Our spirits

For centuries, the agricultural world has been fermenting and distilling its residues and surpluses in order to recover, preserve and transport them. The smoke from the stills has long been part of the landscape of our countryside, each distilling grapes, marc, apples, plums, etc.

But during the 20th century, an increasingly restrictive regulation aimed at controlling and taxing production is put in place, which will kill the small stills of the farms. Despite the struggle of itinerant distillers to maintain local and rural distillation, the production of eaux-de-vie will change in scale to become the prerogative of the great alcohol makers.

In Burgundy and in all French wine regions, the production of Marc and Fine will suffer from this industrialization and the introduction in 1953 of wine services: obligation for wine producers to return 12% of their alcohol production to the state. .

The Marc and the Fine de Bourgogne, very popular until the middle of the 20th century, will gradually disappear until they are almost completely forgotten today.

Upon her return to the estate, Sophie therefore wished to revive this tradition and the Burgundy know-how of distillation and aging of eaux-de-vie, in order to give these products the place they deserve.
So we gave a second life to two traditional Burgundian stills from a retired traveling distiller. Charly and Gédéon, built in 1932 and 1952 respectively, moved to the estate in 2012. They are still heated over a wood fire, wood that we fell ourselves in the village forests.

After distillation, our eaux-de-vie are aged in a small underground stone cellar renovated for this purpose.

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